modern geisha

sweet memories

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First post ♥ @ 2:21 PM

I finally decided to start my blog at blogger now!

Since friday, I'm trying to get my blog online...and I finally did it now.
I'm also pretty happy with the current design - I hope you like it, too! ♥

All the things, which are happening in Japan, making me really sad right now. But I can't do anything but donate.
It helps nobody if I'm sad right now or cancell all my plans, so I deceided to just live my life as it was before.
It's pretty hard, but I'm doing my best!

So, I'm gonna order some clothes from Yesstyle at monday ♥
Currently, I'm totally into leo print.
Well, to be honest: I've been into leo print since nearly 2 years now, haha.

But I need to save my money.
I just spend much many, starting from the day I get my loan. I guess, I need to start my money note again, to get a look over my money and savings.

I'm also totally in love with this!
I just love stationary things and cute stuff.

The notebook is also from Yesstyle and the design is really nice. It's called a magazine note and it's just perfect for all my poems, texts and pictures ♥

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Welcome to my blog!
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I'd be very happy

i my me mine.

Rina, 20.
Future luxury
and retail management student.

Raised in Germany
, U.S and Japan.
Blogging about fashion, cute things, shopping and stuff I like.

worth to take a look at.

pinky paradise
shop kawaii
you gotta love them.

template : mymostloved*
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